Tibetani richiedono il rilascio di prigionieri politici

I tibetani in esilio in India stanno protestando per la detenzione di uno di loro in Cina.

Tibetans-in-exile in India are protesting the detainment of one of their own in China today. At a protest in New Delhi, India, they’re protesting the Chinese communist regime’s suppression of Tibetan nationals in Tibet.

[Chultim Dorjee, Information Secretary of Tibetan Youth Congress]:
“We have gathered here to condemn the Chinese government’s suppression over the peaceful demonstration inside the Nyagchuka County in Tibet, for the release of Tulku Tenzin Delek.”

Carrying Tibetan flags and shouting slogans, Tibetan youth, monks and nuns are demanding that the communist regime release Tulku Tenzin Delek, a revered spiritual figure in Tibet. They’re also calling for other political prisoners to be released.

Chinese authorities arrested seven Tibetan protestors back on December 5th, after their failed attempt to meet Delek at the Chengdu City Jail in Tibet.

The Chinese communist regime had arrested Delek and given him a suspended death sentence in December 2002. But a worldwide movement launched by human rights groups forced the regime to change his death sentence to life imprisonment in 2005.

Despite petitions and protests of local Tibetans demanding the release of Delek and other arrested Tibetans, the communist regime hasn’t relented.

[Sonam, Tibetan Youth]:
“We are demanding the release of political prisoners, Tulku Tenzin Delek and other nuns, who were taken in the jail for unknown reasons…and without reasons…most probably…and nothing is known so far and they have been kept in brutal conditions in the Chinese jails.”

Human rights groups accuse the Chinese communist regime of seriously repressing Tibet’s religious freedom and destroying their culture.

Fonte: New Tang Dynasty Television, 3 gennaio 2010


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