Tibet: arrestato monaco nel Chengdu

L’ ufficio della pubblica sicurezza della contea di Zoege ha arrestato il 15 gennaio un monaco tibetano, mentre un altro monaco dello stesso monastero è stato portato nell’ ospedale della regione.

Segue articolo in inglese:

The Public Security Bureau of Zoege County have arrested a Tibetan monk on January 15, the Voice of Tibet reported.Soepa Gyatso, a monk of Tenzar Drenpa monastery,and another monk had gone to a hospital in Chengdu, the provincial capital, for medical treatment.However, officials from the PSB arrested Soepa from the hospital without stating any reason or charge against him.A Tibetan who had arrived from Zoege has told the radio service that Soepa had been to India some years back.“He was known for his dedication for public welfare, and his works to create environmental awareness in our locality,” the source said. The Chinese authority appears to have, according to the source, felt that Soepa was actively involved in environmental campaign. Currently, there is no information about where Soepa is being held by the authorities.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 25 gennaio 2011


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