Tibet: aiuti per il terremoto
Continuano ad arrivare monaci tibetani che dai monasteri cercano di aiutare i residenti; tuttavia il disastro è davvero immenso con le piccole città completamente rase al suolo.
Tibetan monks continue to arrive, and aid is pouring in from monasteries, residents said.The damage is immense, with smaller towns on the outskirts of Jyekunda completely flattened and cracks now appearing on the Drichu river bridge.Residents said authorities had set up a roadblock on the bridge to control which aid workers can enter.A young man who rode a motorbike to reach Jyekundo to look for his relatives complained of inequity in aid distribution.“The aid distributions to quake victims were uneven. Some families spent the night outside without any tents in freezing temperatures. Those who don’t have tents slept among the dead bodies to keep them warm,” he said in an interview.“My relatives haven’t received any aid yet. People are saying aid supplies have arrived, but there is a problem with the distribution—the most aggressive people grabbed more tents and officials took possession of them, while weaker residents such as women and children got nothing.”“It’s total chaos…and those who grabbed more tents and supplies are reselling at higher prices,” he said.“Lots of the tents are also occupied by troops and relief workers. Not all victims who are in need of tents and food supplies have received sufficient aid.””Dead bodies were thrown into Drichu river as well as cremated,” another Jykendu resident said.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 18 aprile 2010
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