Ragazze tibetane brutalmente picchiate, negate le cure

Due ragazze tibetane sono in gravi condizioni dopo essere state arrestate e brutalmente picchiate dal personale di sicurezza cinese con l’accusa di aver protestato contro il governo cinese.

Segue articolo in inglese:

Two Tibetan girls, both in their teens, are in serious condition after they were severely beaten and arrested by Chinese security personnel for carrying out anti-China protests in eastern Tibet.Tashi Palmo, 16, and Pema Yangzom, 19, were from Kardze region’s Norzin village and studied at the Kardze Middle School. On July 12 at around 4 o’clock in the evening, Tashi Palmo and Pema Yangzom carried out a peaceful protest in Kardze town calling for Tibet’s independence and return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.Eyewitnesses confirm that both the girls were mercilessly beaten by Chinese security personnel before they were arrested. Both the girls suffered serious injuries from the beatings but have been denied medical treatment. The girls are in critical condition but Chinese authorities have denied any medical attention to the girls. We are worried for their lives. The protest follows a series of anti-China demonstrations that has rocked eastern Tibet, especially Kardze, in the last six weeks.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 18 luglio 2011


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