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Arcipelago laogai invitata a Freedom in the World organizzato da Società Libera.[Video]
Venerdì 26 marzo la nostra associazione “Arcipelago Laogai” ha partecipato ad un incontro organizzato da Società Libera per dare vita ad una piattaforma per la salvaguardia ...continua »
Tibetan Political Detainee Died in 2019, Exile Source Says
Chinese authorities call Norsang's death a suicide, while local Tibetans believe he was tortured. A Tibetan father of six died under unclear circumstances after his release from a course of political reeducation in… Continue…
Senate committee approves China travel ban for organ tourism
Those who break the ban face 14 years in prison, the Senate said, after hearing China targets political dissidents and detainees who are murdered for their organs. A bill to ban organ transplant tourism in… Continue…
Tibetan Protester Dies From Prison Torture After Being Released to Hospital
A Tibetan protester serving a 21-year prison term for sharing news of Tibetan protests with foreign news media died this month in a hospital in Lhasa after being transferred from his prison in critical condition,… Continue…
China Puts Rights Lawyers, Families Under House Arrest on Human Rights Day
Authorities in the Chinese capital have placed a number of prominent rights lawyers and their families under house arrest on Human Rights Day, RFA has learned.Beijing-based rights attorney Li Heping had been planning to take… Continue…