Tibet: scrittore tibetano condannato a quattro anni di carcere
Un noto scrittore tibetano è stato condannato a quattro anni di carcere dal tribunale cinese in Tibet. La sentenza a Kalsang Tsultim, meglio conosciuto come Gyitsang Takmik è stata data il 30 dicembre 2011.Segue articolo in inglese:
A well known Tibetan writer has been sentenced to four years in jail by a Chinese court in Tibet.Kalsang Tsultim, also known as Gyitsang Takmik was given the sentence on December 30, 2011 by the Kanlho Intermediate People’s Court.The sentence comes more than a year after Gyitsang Takmik, the author of the book Miyul La Phulwai Sempa (A Mind Offered to Exile) was re-arrested and held in detention without charge.He had widely circulated a Video Compact Disc (VCD) containing ‘banned contents’ that later made its way into exile as well. In the hour-long video, Gyitsang urges the international community to “act swiftly on behalf of the Tibetan people” to end repression in Tibet while calling for the return of the Dalai Lama from exile. He provides a detailed account of the suffering of the Tibetan people under Chinese rule and expresses his fears for the survival of Tibetan religion and culture and the general human rights abuses perpetrated by the Chinese authorities. The message recorded in July 2009 was later edited with video footages and pictures for the final version which was widely distributed in Amdo and Kham. At the time of his release in October 2009, following his first arrest, the officials had warned Gyaltsang Takmig that he remained subject to redetention for six months if he engaged in any political activity.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 5 gennaio 2012