Immigrazione cinese in Tibet
Gli emigranti cinesi che germogliano in Tibet, tra cui molti con precedenti penali, hanno lasciato i tibetani senza prospettive di sostentamento, danneggiando i loro valori culturali e la stabilità sociale. Secondo una recente indagine condotta nella contea de Tsawa Dzogang nel Chamdo, gli immigrati cinesi possiedono 249 negozi e 52 ristoranti in confronto ai tibetani che hanno 5 negozi e 30 ristoranti.
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The rapid increase in Chinese immigration picked up pace with the onset of railway connectivity in Tibet in 2006 and due to numerous ‘development project’ initiated by the Chinese government throughout Tibet.Moreover, since the peaceful protests of 2008, many permanent and part time Tibetan employees continue to face great difficulty in finding jobs after the government evicted them from towns to their native nomadic or agricultural villages on charges of living without permanent residential certificates. There is no regulation in place to check the growing number of Chinese migrants engaging in crime and anti-social activities. But, Tibetans are the ones who are facing the brunt of intense crackdown and repression. The truth about the diminishing prospects of finding employment by Tibetans and rising anti-social elements in Tibet is corroborated by a survey conducted in Tsawa Dzogang County in Chamdo in June this year. According to the survey, Chinese migrants own 249 shops and 52 restaurants in comparison to 5 shops and 30 restaurants run by Tibetans. There are currently 5 brothels owned by Chinese, around 11 gambling dens run by both Chinese and Tibetans, and 3 night clubs owned by Tibetans. The growing surge in prostitution and gambling in particular, pose grave threats of epidemic diseases and rising unemployment among youngster. It also adversely affects Tibetan cultural values and family relationships. Mushrooming of night clubs and bars in Tibet has detrimental impact on Tibet’s social stability and cultural values. This year, the government was reported to have deployed 60 voluntary police personnel for 24-hour vigil around many bars in Tibet run by Chinese mainly from Sichuan, like Sunlight Continental Party House, which replaced picnic parks like Chakma Lingka near Lhasa. These attract party goers of which 93 per cent are Chinese. On 30 July, an evening Lhasa newspaper reported successful ‘crackdown on a group of 28 criminal gangs during raids in two Chinese owned party bars. Similarly, a group of Chinese migrants were convicted for crime by the Lhasa Intermediate People’s Court on 18 December 2010, which accentuates the lack of proper regulation by the Chinese government to control anti-social elements that negatively impact Tibetan society.
Fonte: Dossiertibet, 8 agosto 2010
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