Gu-Chu-Sum condemns China’s White Paper

Phayul[Thursday, November 07, 2013
DHARAMSHALA, November 6: Gu-Chu-Sum Movement for Tibet, the former political prisoners’ organization, today condemned China’s recent White Paper titled ‘Development and Progress of Tibet’ and carried out a signature campaign to protest against China’s entry into Human Rights Council.
(In the pictureVice-president Namgyal Doklar (left), President Passang Tsering (centre) and Secretary Kungam during the press conference. Photo by Kunsang Gashon for phayul)
Condemning the White Paper that claims comprehensive development and rapid progress over the past 60 years in Tibet, Passang Tsering, the newly-elected President of the organization said, “While China tries to deceive the world by portraying Tibet as a political stable society and its people living happily but in reality, there is no political rights in Tibet and Tibetans were subjected to torture in the name of disturbing social stability. China’s policy is unfair and unequal.”….(…)
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