Divario di reddito mai così ampio tra la Cina rurale e quella urbana dal 1978

Gli esperti sono preoccupati del fatto che nell’ultimo anno il divario di reddito tra i residenti nelle zone rurali e quelle urbane è stato il più ampio dal 1978.

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Experts in China have warned that the gap in income between rural and urban residents in the country last year was the widest since the launch of reform in 1978. Think tank researchers have warned the gap will continue to widen in the coming years if effective measures to narrow the difference are not implemented soon, reported China’ official China Daily newspaper Mar 2.
The report cited latest figures from the National Bureau of Statistics as showing the urban per capita net income stood at 17,175 yuan ($2,525) last year, in contrast to 5,153 yuan in the countryside, with the urban-to-rural income ratio being 3.33:1.

“I am afraid the (urban-rural) income gap will continue to expand as the country focuses its efforts on urban sprawl, rather than rural development,” the report quoted Song Hongyuan, director of the Research Center for the Rural Economy in China’s Ministry of Agriculture, as saying.

The report said several think tank organizations had raised similar warnings ahead of the upcoming annual sessions of top legislators and political advisors, which were set to open Mar 3 and 5, respectively, expecting the income disparity issue to top the discussion agenda.

“There has been an increasing number of mass disturbances occurring in recent years related to the yawning gap between the rich and the poor,” Telegraph.co.uk Mar 2 quoted Yan Ye, a professor at the North China Institute of Science and Technology, as telling state media.

He has said more than half of China’s population lives in rural areas, but they share under 12 per cent of the country’s wealth. He has added that there was no province that met international minimum wage standards, whereas many managers in state-owned companies had enormous incomes.

The China Daily report cited Zhang Dongsheng, director of the Income Distribution Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, as admitting that the government “has said more than it has done” to bridge the income gap.

As China is set to draft its 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) this year, the country “should take the opportunity and list the double-income target as a national goal”, Chi Fulin, president of the Hainan-based China Institute for Reform and Development, was quoted as saying. He was going to submit his proposal to the National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which was opening its annual session on Mar 5.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 4 marzo 2010


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