Diritti Umani in Cina; Liu Xiaobo, una pagina su Twitter
Liu Xiaobo è stato uno dei firmatari cinesi di Charta 08, un appello per chiedere più democrazia e maggiori diritti umani in Cina. Durante il periodo natalizio del 2009, Liu Xiaobo è stato condannato a 11 anni di custodia preventiva.Per questa ragione, una pagina è stata aperta su Twitter, il primo giorno delle festività natalizie. Vi preghiamo di seguirla a questo indirizzo www.twitter.com /charta 08
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Liu Xiaobo has signed as one of 10,000 Chinese the charter 08, a call to more democracy and human rights in China. In Christmas 2009 Liu Xiaobo was condemned to 11 years of custody. At a time in which Chinese authorities believe the attention of the democratic world is lower than commonly. For this reason a Twitter page was opened on the 1st of Christmas Day: http://twitter.com/charta 08
The charter 08 was written in 2008 by “a total of 303 people — under it a known Tibetan Bloggerin, lawyers and a fallen from favour former official of the communist party. In spite of menacing arrest they stepped as a first signatory to the public. The charter 08 demands 19 measures to improve the situation of human rights in China., Among the rest, an independent justice are required to found the freedom, unions and an end of the one-party system.” (Wikipedia)
In 2008 the first constitution of China passed 100 years. “To the sixtieth spot the general explanation of the human rights, to the thirtieth spot the equipment of the democracy wall was a year since in Peking and for the tenth time the Chinese signature under the international pact about middle-class and political rights.” The charter is one of the rare documents written in China which ask the ruling communist party of China to grant bigger freedom of speech and to admit free elections. His name is an allusion to the charter 77 with which dissidents practised criticism to the communist regime of Czechoslovakia.” (Wikipedia)
Objective of the Twitter page to the charter 08 is to be spread it less, running news about the destiny by Liu Xiaobo or the political developments all around the charter 08 in the People’s Republic of China. The side is a request to support Liu Xiaobo and the charter 08 about the easy Twitter function “Follow”.
10,000 Chinese citizens had signed in December, 2009 already the charter 08. An extremely courageous step! A small however important step to follow these people about Twitter by mouse click without our Internet access is closed or one rings in the front door.
The OpenPress.com, December, 28, 2009
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