Altre tre persone condannate alla vita in carcere per progetti di separatismo
L’Urumqi il Tribunale ha condannato tre persone a vita in prigione per le offese presunte del separatista, per aver progettato e organizzato una dimostrazione illegale di separatismo e per aver messo in pericolo la sicurezza dei segreti di Stato.
Segue articolo in inglese:
A court has sentenced three people to life in jail for alleged “separatist” offenses. Gulmire Imin, 32, had worked for the Uyghur-language Salkin Website, called for a demonstration on July 5, 2009.The Urumqi Intermediate People’s Court tried six Uyghurs on April 1, subsequently sentencing Gulmire Imin and two men to life terms, for allegedly planning and organizing an illegal demonstration, separatism, and leaking state secrets.Three others defendants were handed prison sentences of varying lengths, according to the witness. Dilxat Raxit of the Munich-based exile World Uyghur Congress said, “We have already confirmed that subdistrict committee chair Gulmire Imin was one of the three sentenced to life in prison, but we strongly believe that the other two are named Ahmet Tursun and Muhter.” “Gulmire Imin’s position in government once again proves how common the demands behind the July 5 demonstration were in Uyghur society,” Dilxat Raxit said. “We have learned that more than 100 administrators who worked with Salkin were arrested over July 5. We can estimate that if we add in the administrators of the other two major Uyghur Websites, Diyarim and Shebnem, at least 300 Web administrators [must be] detained and jailed in the Uyghur region now. We call again on the international community to conduct an independent investigation.” Another witness to the trial, a refugee in the Netherlands said he was the cellmate of one of the Salkin Website’s administrators while he was held in a detention center in Urumqi in August 2009. His cellmate told him at least 100 Salkin administrators were arrested from around the region in connection with the July 5 unrest. In July, three webmasters, all members of the Uyghur ethnic minority, were sentenced to jail for publishing content deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, according to a brother of one of the men. The defendants were Dilshat Perhat, webmaster and owner of Diyarim; Nureli, webmaster of Salkin; and Nijat Azat, webmaster of Shabnam. Dilmurat Perhat said his brother Dilshat Perhat received five years in prison, while Nureli and Nijat Azat received three years and 10 years, respectively, for “endangering state security.”
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 9 agosto 2010
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