10 anni di prigione ai cristiani che hanno assistito i rifugiati Nord-Koreani
I cristiani Li Mingshun e Zhang Yonghu sono stati accusati, il 31 luglio scorso, dalla procura popolare della città di Erlianhaote di aver aiutato i rifugiati Nord Koreani durante la loro fuga verso la Korea del Sud attraverso la Cina. Li e Zhang, insieme ad altri cristiani, si erano adoperati per procurare cibo, rifugio ed assistenza nei trasporti per i 61 rifugiati durante l’attraversamento delle provincie cinesi in Mongolia, dove le leggi neutrali dello stato permettono di chiedere asilo in Korea del sud.
*Per saperne di più sulla persecuzione dei cattolici in Cina
*Per ricevere il pamphlet “La Persecuzione dei cattolici in Cina” cliccate qui
Segue il comunicato di Human Rights Without Frontiers
Christians Li Mingshun and Zhang Yonghu were indicted by the Erlianhaote City People’s Procuratorate on July 31, 2009, for aiding North Korean refugees fleeing to South Korea through China. Li and Zhang were among several Christians helping to provide food, shelter, and transportation for the 61 refugees crossing Northern Chinese provinces into Mongolia, where neutral state laws permit residents to seek asylum in South Korea.
Alerted as the refugees crossed into Mongolia, the Border Brigade of Erlianhaote city traveled to Qindao, Heilongjiang province, and arrested Li Mingshun on April 29, 2009 [View Notice of Arrest]. The trial was held August 17, 2009 in the Erlianhaote City People’s Court. Human rights lawyers defending Li and Zhang hoped to raise awareness concerning the Chinese government’s treatment of North Korean refugees through this case. View earlier press release on Li and Zhang, 7/5/2009, and the English Translation of the Letter of Indictment, 7/31/2009.
On August 30, 2009, Ms. Li was found guilty for her humanitarian work by the Erlianhaote Procuratorate, officially for “human smuggling across the border.” She was sentenced to ten years in prison. Ms. Li’s family in Qindao City received the verdict the morning of August 30. Mr. Zhang received a seven-year sentence for organizing transportation for the refugees to Inner Mongolia. Li’s family reports they will be submitting an appeal for Li and Zhang’s lawful release. (See the Official Sentence for Li and Zhang below)
The verdict underscores years of continued persecution for North Koreans in China, who have been denied refugee-status by the Chinese government and repatriated in violation of the UNHCR Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which China signed in 1982.
The costs of repatriation are dire. Refugees face charges of treason upon their return to the home country, punishable by death, detention and/or lifelong imprisonment in labor camps. Detained Korean women and children in China are frequently sold into the sex-slave trade, disappearing from the formal record into the human trafficking void. Many Chinese and Korean Christians, like Li and Zhang, work with underground networks to aid these refugees as they seek freedom from persecution, only to be arrested and charged as criminals.
President of ChinaAid Xiqiu “Bob” Fu responded to Li and Zhang’s sentences. “I am shocked at how the Chinese government treats its own humanitarian workers. They are innocent! We must urge the international community to voice their concerns for the persecuted North Korean refugees and the humanitarian workers who serve them in their time of need.” He further calls for the Chinese government to honor the Li family’s appeal, find them innocent under the Chinese law, and release Li Mingshun and Zhang Yonghu.
ChinaAid requests the international community to contact the Erlianhaote City People’s Procuratorate and Government to urge them to release Li Mingshun and Zhang Yonghu and to respect and uphold human rights for North Korean refugees.
Human Rights Without Frontiers
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